CRA Privacy Breach Class Action Updates and What You Need to Know

In recent times, the topic of the “CRA Privacy Breach Class Action” has sparked significant interest and concern among Canadians.

This class action lawsuit involves allegations against the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and the federal government, claiming that they failed to adequately protect the confidential information of Canadian citizens.

The lawsuit, spearheaded by a representative plaintiff from British Columbia, has brought to light the potential risks and consequences of privacy breaches in the digital age.

This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the CRA Privacy Breach Class Action, including how to check the status of the case, understand the notice of clarification, and determine who is eligible for any resulting compensation.

By breaking down these elements, we hope to offer a clear and accessible guide to those affected or interested in the case.

CRA Privacy Breach Class Action: What You Need to Know

The CRA Privacy Breach Class Action is a lawsuit filed against the federal government and the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for allegedly failing to protect the private information of Canadian citizens.

This case centers around the claim that the government and CRA were negligent in safeguarding personal and financial data stored in various online government accounts, such as CRA My Account and My Services Canada.

The representative plaintiff, Todd Sweet, a resident of British Columbia, brought this lawsuit forward on behalf of all affected Canadians. Filed in 2020, the case accuses the government and CRA of allowing unauthorized access to sensitive information between March 2020 and December 2020.

Despite the government’s denial of these allegations, the trial is set to proceed, with the court expected to determine the validity of the claims and decide on appropriate compensation for affected individuals.

What is a CRA Privacy Breach Class Action Lawsuit?

A class action lawsuit is a legal action where a group of people collectively brings a claim to court. In this case, the CRA Privacy Breach Class Action alleges that the Canada Revenue Agency and the federal government failed to protect the personal and financial information of Canadians who used various government online services.

The lawsuit seeks compensation for the affected individuals, arguing that the breach of privacy resulted in harm, including damage to credit ratings, mental distress, and the costs associated with monitoring and repairing credit.

The government has denied any wrongdoing, and it will be up to the federal court to decide the outcome during the trial.

Checking the Status of the CRA Privacy Breach Class Action

If you are one of the individuals potentially affected by the CRA Privacy Breach, you might be wondering how to check the status of the class action lawsuit. Currently, the federal court has accepted the application for certification, meaning the lawsuit is moving forward as a class action.

To stay updated on the case, affected individuals are encouraged to register on the Privacy Breach Class Action portal. By registering, you will receive periodic emails regarding the progress of the lawsuit and any necessary actions you need to take.

Additionally, you can request access to your CRA My Account and My Services Canada accounts, which may have been compromised during the breach.

Notice of Clarification

The notice of clarification is an essential document for individuals affected by the CRA Privacy Breach. This notice informs you about your rights and options regarding the class action lawsuit. It is specifically aimed at individuals who experienced a privacy breach between March 2020 and December 2020.

The notice of clarification will detail the compensation you may be entitled to and outline your legal rights within the context of the lawsuit. It is crucial to read this document carefully and understand the steps you need to take to ensure you are included in any potential settlements or compensation packages.

For those who have used the CRA My Account, My Services Canada, or other government online accounts during the specified period, this notice will provide information on how to claim compensation for any damages suffered due to the privacy breach.

The Federal Court of Canada will issue these notices, guiding you through the process of participating in the class action.

Who is Getting it?

The CRA Privacy Breach Class Action compensation is intended for individuals who used government online services, such as CRA My Account and My Services Canada and experienced unauthorized access to their information between March 2020 and December 2020.

These individuals are eligible to receive compensation for various damages, including harm to their credit ratings, mental distress, and costs related to credit monitoring services.

To be eligible for compensation, you must have accessed your account using a GCKey during the specified period. The court will issue an order directing the government to provide compensation to those who opt into the class action.

It is important to note that individuals who choose not to participate in the class action will not be eligible for compensation, even if they were affected by the breach.

By opting into the class action, you ensure that you are included in any settlements or compensation decisions made by the court. This participation is vital to receiving the benefits of the lawsuit and addressing the damages caused by the privacy breach.



The CRA Privacy Breach Class Action is a significant legal case that highlights the importance of protecting personal and financial information in the digital age. For affected Canadians, understanding the status of the lawsuit, the notice of clarification, and eligibility for compensation is crucial.

By staying informed and taking the necessary steps to participate in the class action, you can ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

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